August 26, 2023


What happens in our brain when having consensus building converastions? A converastion with Tuck Associate Professor of Business Administration Adam Kleinbaum

Hosted by

Alex Torpey
What happens in our brain when having consensus building converastions? A converastion with Tuck Associate Professor of Business Administration Adam Kleinbaum
Hanover Happenings
What happens in our brain when having consensus building converastions? A converastion with Tuck Associate Professor of Business Administration Adam Kleinbaum

Aug 26 2023 | 00:41:51


Show Notes

In this episode I sit down with Associate Professor of Business Administration Adam Kleinbaum at Dartmouth's Tuck Business School. Adam and colleagues have recently completed a study where they used FMRI technology to measure brain activity of people as they have conversations and build consensus (or don't), which appeared in Daybreak earlier this summer.

I sit with Adam in Town Hall and we talk about the study, and it's broader implications for how we relate to eachother, how implicit narratives change based on social interactions (and other environmental factors), and fascinating implications for what leadership means - for example, that the most influential individuals that helped produce cognitive alignment were open-minded people who fleshed out ideas from others, rather than who aggressively pushed their own ideas. There is significant implication and alignments with tenants of positive psychnology as well. There are broad ranging implications for this work in how we conceptualize our personal and professional relationships, and importantly, how people work together to think about and address large problems.

The other study authors were: Beau Sievers, Dartmouth’s Christopher Welker, Uri Hasson, and Dartmouth’s Thalia Wheatley.

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